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Do you know about the CIPD Trust?

Kateryna's CIPD Funding Story

In today’s world, it may seem like there are limited chances for personal development and education. Therefore, we would like to share Kateryna’s story.

Kateryna is one of our recent learners. She recently applied for partial funding through the CIPD Trust, which offers funded bursaries to develop those who are underrepresented in the people profession.

Originally from Ukraine, Kateryna is a dedicated HR professional who moved to the UK with the dream of building a better life for herself and her family. Lacking formal qualifications, she faced challenges in finding a suitable position in her industry. Driven by her aspirations to achieve the CIPD Level 5 qualification in People Management, she discovered our organisation through the CIPD Trust website and reached out to us, seeking our support as a student.

The CIPD Trust has a vital mission – to support those who face the biggest barriers to meaningful work. People with refugee status are one of these groups, experiencing significantly higher rates of unemployment compared to the national average. Through a strategic partnership with the City & Guilds Foundation, the CIPD Trust aims to tackle this issue and foster greater integration of refugees into the workforce.

Kateryna’s inquiry was our first introduction to the CIPD Trust. Intrigued by their innovative approach to empowering learners to attain professional qualifications, we eagerly joined the journey. Assisting Kateryna with her application, we provided her with a 14-day free trial of our services. To our delight, we received news from CIPD Trust that they would not just partially fund but fully fund Kateryna’s course!

One year ago, I relocated from Ukraine to the UK, and my main priority was to find a job in my field of expertise. During my job search, I attended several interviews, and I noticed that many companies required CIPD certification as a mandatory qualification for the positions I was interested in. Up until then, I had never heard of CIPD certification, so I began looking online for institutions and possible scholarships since I couldn’t afford the expenses at the moment.

I applied through various centers, but the first one to respond to my inquiry was HRC Online. Throughout my journey of applying for the CIPD Trust program, I received incredible support from Zak, who went above and beyond to keep me informed by calling and messaging me almost every day. I am immensely grateful to Zak at HRC Online and Allie and the entire supporting team at CIPD Trust bursary for granting me this opportunity to study. Their assistance has enabled me to pursue a career here in the UK and study internally approved best HR practices.

Assisting people who are facing difficulties is something we have always been committed to. We aim to provide the best support and help to learners. With the joint efforts of HRC Online and the CIPD Trust, we have recently helped Kateryna develop her career and lay the groundwork for a brighter future.




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